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Alcohol is not my problem, anymore
As a formal introduction, my first Day One was Feb 2008 and my last was Aug 13, 2018 and in that 10 years of trying, I struggled greatly and my drinking got so bad it almost killed me. I had to stop drinking and that took me on a journey I never imagined. My bottom was hell and that felt like a picnic compared to some days in early recovery.
I wound up in an intensive outpatient program that was wasn't exactly intense, but it forced me to show up and do the work and I did. I also had to do something different and I found my way to an addiction counsellor who specialized in PTSD and EMDR treatments. That saved my life.
I wrote most of this experience in my Vig Book which is stored here in the files section above for you to read and download.
I am married almost 30 years, 2 fine young sons and a hound dog. I own a manufacturing company I started as a salesperson for and the source of my incredible stress. I love to play guitar, garden, cook, anything in, on or under the water and more hobbies than a sane person should have.
I think I learned a few things in my 5 years sober now that I never considered in the previous 10 years and like to think it has some value to you in your own recovery. Ask any question and I will do my best to share my thoughts on whatever it may be.
Thanks for stopping by!