Racism means using the concept of race to judge or treat some people worse than others. It exists in many forms, and on many levels in society – including in healthcare. It can include acts of discrimination and prejudice towards individuals and groups. It can also describe wider systems of oppression.
For those of us who are disadvantaged and harmed by racism, this can feel stressful and upsetting to explain to those who are not.
You shouldn't have to.
But it can also feel validating and helpful to find new ways to define and describe our experiences.
Mind UK
If racism is affecting your mental health, we're here for you. Our information can help you understand the impact of racism – and choose how and where to seek help. If you're finding it hard to get the support you need, our tips can help you find a way forward.
Mental Health Foundation
At the Mental Health Foundation, we seek to shed light on a range of issues that prevent good mental health – and racism is certainly at the top of that list.
We have been working hard over the last two years to put anti-racist practice at the centre of our work and we’ll be sharing more on that front later this year.